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LA County Small Business Commission

The County Board of Supervisors appointed Small Business Commissioners to serve in each of the five Supervisorial Districts. The Commission provides ongoing advice, and support to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to help business grow, oversee and do business with Los Angeles County.

The  Los Angeles County Small Business Commission and  Office of Small Business includes the adoption of beneficial programs such as the Local Small Business Enterprise Preference (LSBE), the Prompt Pay And Small Business Payment Liaison. To date over 500 firms have certified under the program and are eligible for a 5% price preference on County Bids and a 15_day prompt pay turnaround on invoices. And it increased by 25% the number of awards made to LSBEs From last year as well as an increased by 37% the dollar amounts awarded even during a recession.

A relevant and additional outreach portion of the  LA County Small Business Commission along with OSB will be to provide workshops that focus on small business issues and training by the U.S. Department of Defense to assist small businesses get contracts with prime defense. The County has made great strides in being able to measure how many local, certified Small businesses (LSBEs) receive County contacts as the opening of the OSB takes the effort one_step further. In addition, OSB will provide links to procurement Web sites, not only to the 37 County departments, but also with the federal and state governments, cities and other public jurisdictions. For More information on OSB Please visit

Under the leadership of the Los Angeles County Small Business Commission Chairperson, Kenia Davalos, Ms. Davalos leads the 17 Appointed Commissioners to provide ongoing advice and support to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to help business grow and do business with Los Angeles County and oversee, support the growth of the Office of Small Business. With Small businesses as a major economic base For the County, Los Angeles_based Businesses represent 91.5% of the businesses in Los Angeles County And 30.0% of the small businesses in the State Of California. The opening of OSB Is part of an ongoing goal to empower and keep small businesses growing and in a strong position to create jobs for our state.

“In today’s global economy, it is imperative that Los Angeles County Small businesses remain competitive, relevant and have all the necessary information and direct contact on how to sell goods and services not only to the County, but state_wide, to and with the federal government, as well as other public and private sector agencies and organizations,” said newly elected Commission Chairperson, Kenia Davalos.

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