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Occupy Wall Street and the Bankers
By: Chuck Morse

The ugly language used by Occupy Wall Street activists and by liberals such as radio talk show host Thom Hartmann to describe bankers is disgraceful and dangerous. When one replaces the word “banker” with the word “Jew” in the Occupy Wall Street rhetoric, one glimpses at the true nature and intent of the assault.  Simply put, the Nazis and the German Communists portrayed Jews in virtually the same light as Occupy Wall Street activists are now portraying bankers. In reality this is the same assault on private ownership as was the one engaged in by the 20th Centuries two great socialist experiments, Nazism and Communism.


There are obviously individual bankers and financial managers who could be described as greedy and corrupt, George Soros comes to mind. And yes there are banking and financial institutions that have engaged in corrupt practices such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were bailed out by the American taxpayer to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Greed and corruption have always been with us and will remain as long as we remain fallible human beings who at times succumb to temptation or who embrace false ideologies.  In the case of Fannie and Freddie, the public was unaware, until it was too late, that these banking behemoths were guaranteed by the taxpayer in case they failed. This was not a case private banks taking risks but rather these were agencies that were protected by the governments that were charged with carrying out social experiments.


Many of the complaints lodged by Occupy Wall Street, on the surface, are legitimate and those include railing against the contracted American economy and the lack of opportunity to make a living. Yet Occupy Wall Street supports ideas that have contributed to the problem when they call for tax increases and more government regulation while they denigrate successful people who are already carrying the weight. If Occupy Wall Street actually wanted to create an atmosphere that would lead to success they would support deregulation of business as a means to promote creativity and low taxes as a means to allow for savings, capital formation and investment. Rather than supporting needless infrastructure projects paid for with taxpayer money, Occupy Wall Street might get behind domestic oil, gas, and coal exploration and development which would lead to infrastructure improvements paid for out of private capital.


Occupy Wall Street is motivated by utopian notions of changing human nature through “democracy” and collective decision making. This is nothing more than a marketing job to convince people to surrender their freedom for the good of the so-called collective however it is defined at a given time. Without property, without the right to earn profit and without a system that promotes private profit, there is no freedom. There is no such a thing as a “collective” only individuals living free and voluntarily working from time to time on common projects for a common purpose. Occupy Wall Street holds ideals that run contrary to human nature.


And this is why Occupy Wall Street requires a scapegoat, whether that scapegoat is the Jews, who Karl Marx called “self-interested hucksters” who would have to be “annihilated” in order for human society to progress, or whether the scapegoat is bankers. By concentrating on a manufactured enemy that becomes the foci of hate, the advocates of collectivism convince their followers to surrender their individual rights for the so-called greater good. President Obama and the liberal Democrats in Congress used this trick when they demonized the insurance companies in order to push through their freedom crushing health-care laws.


American bankers, Wall Street corporations, and private enterprise in general represent the greatest institutions ever known to man. Corporations have done more social good by hiring people, creating goods and services, and creating capital and wealth, than have any government or group in history. While rules are needed, especially in the financial services industry, to insure that business is done openly and up-front and that investments benefit the American economy, business must remain free to do what it does best and to make money in the process.

Chuck Morse – author of “A Whig Manifesto” and “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism”





