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California Water Environment Association

CWEA's mission:
To enhance the education and effectiveness of California's wastewater professionals through:

  • training,
  • certification,
  • dissemination of technical information, and
  • promotion of sound policies to benefit society through protection and enhancement of the water environment.

CWEA's vision:
To be the premier wastewater industry association in California. We will:

  • have a reputation for excellence and our members will take pride in belonging.
  • provide high quality products and services and we will be the preferred provider of training and certification.
  • be financially strong and we will have adequate resources to accomplish our mission.
  • actively seek information regarding the needs of our members and we will be responsive to their changing needs.
  • act in the best interest of the Association as a whole.
  • apply "knowledge-based" decision-making.
  • expect to be held accountable.
  • open opportunities for participation to all members.
  • plan and prepare for changing leadership and for a constantly changing pool of volunteers.
  • achieve renewal through leaders mentoring and developing their successors.

CWEA's objectives:

  1. Enhance the education and effectiveness of wastewater professionals through training and certification.
  2. Develop and implement effective delivery mechanisms to rapidly disseminate knowledge concerning the water environment.
  3. Advance the knowledge and technology in the planning, design, construction, operation and management of wastewater treatment systems and facilities.
  4. Improve the professional status of all personnel working in the wastewater industry and related fields.
  5. Encourage sound policy in matters relating to the water quality control field.
  6. Advance the knowledge and understanding of the water environment and its interaction with other aspects of the environment.
  7. Stimulate public awareness of the importance of wastewater treatment to public health and the water environment.
